At the end of my June
19, 2015, blog post
on some geologic highlights of a trip to Los Angeles/Las Vegas
(focusing on the LaBrea Tar Pits), I mentioned driving by the Molycorp
Mountain Pass REE (rare earth element) mine on Interstate 15, in Mountain Pass,
California. The Mountain Pass mine had originally operated from 1950-2002;
during part of this time, it was the world's major REE source.
Operations resumed in 2012 and has operated off and on since then.
The mine is one of two domestic deposits of rare earth elements (
Bear Lodge in Wyoming is under development,
but Mountain Pass has, since our drive-by in June, shut down due to a fall in
REE prices.
I heard about the shutdown during a
presentation by Allan Kolker on November 2, at the
Geological Society of America annual meeting in Baltimore. Allan, a USGS
scientist specializing in the inorganic chemistry of coal, was lead author on
“Rare earth bearing trace phases in coal ash: Where are they?” (
Kolker summarized ongoing research, part of a larger National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL; Department of Energy) program,
looking at coal ash as a possible domestic source of REE, a commodity used in,
among other things, fluorescent lights, glass, high-tech ceramic applications,
hybrid engines, high-performance permanent magnets in defense systems and wind
turbines (
(Slides 4-6)).
![]() |
Periodic table showing
location of the rare earth elements
(Molycorp slide presentation;
What is coal ash? Ash is the
uncombusted particulate residue of coal. That left in the bottom of the furnace
or boiler is called bottom ash; what flies up the chimney or smoke stack is fly
ash. Ideally, ash should be only non-combustible inorganic components, either
original minerals, mineral reaction products, or melt glass. However, although
modern power plants use pulverized coal to decrease particle volume and
increase surface area to encourage complete fuel combustion, ash can also
include uncombusted or partially-combusted coal and carbons. The Fly Ash (
and Combustion Char (
sections of Crelling’s Petrographic Atlas of Coals and Carbons have
photomicrographs of both carbon and mineral matter combustion particles.
“Coal ash is the largest type of
waste generated in the United States and in many other countries, with over 100
million tons produced in the USA every year.” ( Fly ash particulates are captured, to prevent release to the atmosphere, and usually stored in holding ponds at the
power plant site. It can be used as a cement replacement in making bricks or possibly as a soil enhancement in agriculture.
However, besides REE, and various elements useful for crop performance
including K, Na, Ca, Mg, coal ash contains toxic elements, such as lead,
arsenic, mercury and uranium, which are a serious concern in any application or
disposal plan.
Kolker, with co-authors, wrote in
their abstract that “During coal combustion, REE are strongly retained in the
residual ash fraction so that it is typical for REE in fly ash to be enriched
by a factor of ten over those in the respective coal.” They compared REE
concentrations in Appalachian coal to the NIST 1633c fly ash standard
and the North American Shale Composite (Gromet et al., 1984);
fly ash REE concentrations were 2-3 times that in the shale. A Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette PowerSource article
(August 18, 2015)
describes the NETL REE research program and the recent increase in interest for the REE-in-coal-and-fly-ash
database of Jim Hower, University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy
Research, second author on the GSA abstract.
REE-bearing trace minerals in coal, Kolker and others explained,
include apatite, zircon, allanite, xenotime, and monazite. The melting
points of xenotime and monazite much exceed the 1300-1700˚C range of
various fluidized-bed or pulverized coal boilers, and these minerals are
expected to be found intact (unmelted) in ash. However, REE in ash may
occur in other forms, possibly including glasses or perhaps even
nanoparticles in the ash. Continuing research will be to further
document location and concentration of REE-bearing ash constituents.
Why is it critical that we look for
domestic alternatives to mined sources of REE? The blog post at
(September 11, 2015) states that China controled 90%
of the world REE market at that time. It has "REE dominance through a combination of
overproduction and price manipulation to drive out competitors", and used an
export ban to Japan as a political tool in a 2010 territorial dispute between
the two countries. While we are very used to the politics of the global
petroleum market, any commodity that is controlled by a single nation or
consortium of nations can be used to manipulate international prices and
leverage power.
REE supply concerns did not just
appear in the last few months since the Mountain Pass closing, but ramped up in
2010, after the lifting of the Chinese export ban to Japan, when price
increases on some elements went up ~650%. Major US REE manufacturing needs are not
just in consumer products, but also various defense systems. During Geosciences
Congressional Visits Day 2011 (September 21), GSA's
DC Geoscience Policy office included in my Capitol Hill schedule a hearing of
the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Asia
and the Pacific, on "China's monopoly on rare earths: Implications for U.
S. foreign and security policy". Four witnesses providing testimony were
the CEO of Molycorp, a manufacturer of REE permanent magnets, a manufacturer of
pumps and valves that use such magnets, and an analyst specializing in natural
resources in relation to national security. The most memorable points for me
were 1) Molycorp was having a hard time filling mining and geologic engineering
jobs, not because of the remote location, but the dearth of qualified
applicants: they emphasized the need for federal support of STEM education; 2)
the crisis in REE supply could have been foreseen and acted upon earlier since
signs were present. The transcript of the hearing is available at
So while re-opening Mountain Pass
mine in 2012 seemed to be a solution for a domestic supply of REE, the United
States in years since has sometimes been without an actively producing source of these elements. It's rather like the car/tree scene in Jurassic Park, "Well... we're back... in
the car again." Further research on options, such as coal ash and coal waste, may provide
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